Nam Phong is best expert & professional in secondary materials & waste, bring you consistent & high quality of secondary materials to recycle & replace virgin materials.
We have global network of collecting, sorting, re-processing and supplying. So we can supply you stable quantity in long terms. Our quantity is flexible from small quantity for making sample to large quantity for continuous production.
We are best station for you to get friendly environment materials to produce green products, one stop at Nam Phong you can find all materials. We say NO to any activities or Business which are not friendly with environment.
Nam Phong is the biggest station for all international recycler to get “the green materials“ with lowest prices to replace the virgin materials. To develop the business and recycling activities, we are looking for candidates for...
Nearly 1.3 Bn tons of fabric wasted every year end up polluting rivers, land
Nam Phong is heading for stable and long-term development. We build our policy and apply all the national and international rules for collecting, transporting - storing, and recycling. We are responsible for society, the environment, and...
Nam Phong collect & process the secondary materials & Waste from many industries such as metal, refractory, Textile, Foam, rubber, leather, etc. in both domestic & international market. We have large networks to connect Vietnam to...